The Latest From ACFB – Our Blog

What are some common misconceptions about vitamins?

Here are some common misconceptions about vitamin and mineral supplements.

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How do I become a myotherapist?

Getting a diploma in myotherapy will have you well on your way to becoming a myotherapist. In no time you will be working to relieve the pain that others experience.

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3 exercise solutions for wet weather

Do you try to put off exercise because of the rain? Now there's no excuse thanks to these easy at-home workouts.

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The role of a personal trainer

Fitness courses and gym instructor courses can help you on the road to becoming a personal trainer.

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Celebrating massage with National Massage Week

This week is National Massage Week, aiming to promote the benefits of massage for men.

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Fast Fact: Geriatric Massage

Did you know??? Geriatric Massage can...

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Australia’s New Nutritional Pie

Australia's New Nutritional Pie If current obesity trends continue, an estimated 75% of Australian females and 85% of Australian males will be obese by 2025 – just 12 years from now! With this in mind, the newly released Australian Dietary Guidelines have been updated from the 2003 edition.

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