What are some common misconceptions about vitamins?

With so much information readily available at your fingertips, it can be hard to judge what is true and what isn't where vitamin and mineral supplements are concerned.

Here are some common misconceptions about these items.

Are vitamins enough?

While in some cases, vitamins can help you to receive the nutrients you lead to maintain a healthy body, it is preferable to get these from a balanced diet.

This is because the vitamins in food are often accompanied by other nutrients. These combined nutrients can offer the most benefit.

On the other hand, taking vitamin pills means you will get a large dose of a single vitamin without any other nutrients that could make absorption more effective.

When are vitamins necessary?

Sometimes vitamin supplements may be required. For instance, they are necessary when you have a deficiency or cannot absorb the right nutrients.

Vegans and vegetarians may require extra iron and B12 as it can be hard to get enough of these nutrients from a plant-based diet.

Women who are planning to become pregnant may also benefit from folic acid supplements as these can reduce the risk of their baby developing neural tube defects.

Will vitamins make you look younger?

Despite rumours vitamin E can act as an anti-ageing miracle, there is no proven evidence that it will stall the signs of ageing.

Instead, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime and wear sunscreen.

Can vitamins cure the common cold?

Although many people swear by vitamin C to prevent the common cold, there is no strong evidence to suggest its use can stop you catching a cold.

However, according to the Victorian government Health Initiative Better Health, it may reduce duration by around half a day.

Posted On 22/07/14