In the midst of these icy months, the lure of a good workout is often outweighed by freezing temperatures, erratic forecasts and the fewer daylight hours that the great outdoors bring. So will you bite the bullet and take your exercise outside this winter? You decide!   Con: you won’t want to strip off Finding … Read more

Find out about the numerous benefits of being a personal trainer or fitness instructor. Hit the ground running by enrolling in fitness courses in Melbourne to kick start your career. 

There are many conflicting snippets of advice floating around the fitness world, but these three golden greats are timeless in their appeal.

A recent study carried out by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) has found a great range in positive health effects in elderly patients. Indeed, many people of advancing years are incorporating massage therapy into their integrated care programmes to help combat the aches and pains associated with old age. "The ag​eing of both the … Read more

Here are some common misconceptions about vitamin and mineral supplements.

Australia’s New Nutritional Pie

If current obesity trends continue, an estimated 75% of Australian females and 85% of Australian males will be obese by 2025 – just 12 years from now! With this in mind, the newly released Australian Dietary Guidelines have been updated from the 2003 edition.