A 2024 Guide to Insurance for Personal Trainers

In Australia’s booming fitness industry, personal training insurance isn’t just advisable, it’s a cornerstone of any professional practice. With the industry’s growth, propelled by heightened health awareness and an increasing emphasis on fitness, the role of personal trainers has never been more critical. This surge in demand places personal trainers at the forefront of health promotion, making insurance essential to safeguard against unforeseen liabilities and risks inherent in the profession.

Understanding Key Insurance Products for Personal Trainers


Person Lifting Weights At Gym

Public Liability Insurance (Legal Requirement)

Public Liability Insurance acts as a safeguard for personal trainers (PT’s) against claims of bodily harm or property damage incurred by clients during training sessions. It is essential for PT’s, as it covers scenarios like a client sustaining an injury from gym equipment during a session. This insurance is crucial for trainers conducting sessions in a wide variety of settings, ensuring protection against unforeseen incidents that can happen from time to time.

Professional Indemnity Insurance (Legal Requirement)

If advice or training plans you distribute lead to client injuries or financial loss, Professional Indemnity Insurance becomes indispensable. This insurance coverage is vital for personal trainers, particularly those offering tailored fitness programs, safeguarding against claims of negligence.

Equipment and Property Insurance

This policy protects personal and client-used training gear from theft, damage, or loss. Ensures financial coverage for replacing or repairing high-value equipment essential for conducting sessions. This coverage offers you invaluable peace of mind, allowing trainers to focus on delivering optimal fitness programs without the worry of potential equipment-related financial setbacks.

Income Protection Insurance

Income Protection insurance is vital for PT’s, as it ensures financial stability during periods of illness or injury, covering a portion of lost income.

Contents/Equipment Insurance

Contents and Equipment insurance is recommended if you own your training equipment, providing cover against theft, loss, or damage.

Business Insurance

Business insurance offers comprehensive protection for various business-related risks, including staff illness, client accidents, or equipment loss, ensuring peace of mind for business owners.

Choosing the Right Insurance


Personal Trainer Helping Client In Gym

Factors to Consider

  • Coverage Amount: Ensure your insurance policy covers all necessary aspects of your personal training activities, including potential injuries and equipment damage.
  • Policy Exclusions: When looking for a new insurance policy it is imperative to familiarise yourself with what is not covered. This could include certain types of injuries or training environments. If some of the key factors you’re looking for aren’t accounted for, the package might not be right for you.
  • Premium Costs: Consider the balance between affordable premiums and comprehensive coverage. While higher premiums tend to offer more comprehensive protection, they also need to be affordable for you on an annual basis.

Insurance Providers Overview


Provider Coverage Options Estimated Cost
Marsh Fitness Insurance Wide range of coverage including public liability and professional indemnity Varies based on coverage level and personal training activities
Guild Insurance Comprehensive options tailored for fitness professionals, including equipment and liability cover Custom quotes available depending on personal circumstances and coverage needs
JLT Sports Insurance Insurance is available through Physical Activitiy Australia. Offers public liability and professional indemnity from $5M – $20M, with no excess. Suitable for a wide range of fitness professionals. Personalised quotes are offered based on your insurance requirements.

Additional Considerations for Personal Trainers

Insurance for Different Training Environments

For gym-based PTs: Consider coverage for equipment and on-premise incidents.
Outdoor trainers: Look into public liability insurance for park or beach sessions.
Online coaches: Cyber liability and professional indemnity insurance are key.

Legal Requirements and Compliance

Navigating the legal landscape of PT insurance in Australia demands vigilance. Regulations stipulate that PTs must hold both public liability and professional indemnity insurance. This legal framework ensures that trainers operate within the bounds of Australian law, safeguarding their practice and their clientele. Compliance not only reinforces professional integrity but also instills confidence in your future clients, offering peace of mind to everyone involved.

In light of the rapidly growing personal training industry in Australia, underscored by escalating health consciousness and obesity rates, the necessity for personal trainers is more pronounced than ever. With ACFB at the forefront, offering comprehensive Cert III and IV in Personal Training, the pathway to becoming a pivotal part of this health revolution is clear. This growth is not just a trend but a sustainable movement towards a healthier nation, making the role of personal trainers indispensable in guiding Australians towards improved well-being.

How to Get Started with Insurance as a Personal Trainer

: Begin by delving into the various insurance options available, prioritising those that cater specifically to personal trainers.

Consult with Experts: Engage in discussions with industry professionals or insurance advisors to understand the nuances of each policy.

Compare Policies: Evaluate the offerings, considering factors like coverage extent, premiums, and the reputation of the insurance provider.

Application: Proceed to apply for the insurance that best aligns with your professional requirements and personal preferences.

Continuous Review: Regularly reassess your insurance coverage to ensure it remains congruent with your evolving professional landscape.

Looking to Start a Career in Personal Training?

With the ACFB’s
Personal Trainers Course (SIS30321 & SIS40221), aspiring trainers are equipped with not just the foundational knowledge of fitness and training, but also the crucial skills in management and client engagement that set them apart in this competitive field. Whether you choose to learn online, or in person at one of our Melbourne campuses, ACFB ensures a comprehensive education that prepares you for the diverse challenges and opportunities in personal training. With ACFB’s robust training program, you’re not just gaining a certification; you’re stepping into a career with confidence, backed by the right knowledge and protection.

Looking to Start a Career in Personal Training?

With the ACFB’s
Personal Trainers Course (SIS30321 & SIS40221), aspiring trainers are equipped with not just the foundational knowledge of fitness and training, but also the crucial skills in management and client engagement that set them apart in this competitive field. Whether you choose to learn online, or in person at one of our Melbourne campuses, ACFB ensures a comprehensive education that prepares you for the diverse challenges and opportunities in personal training. With ACFB’s robust training program, you’re not just gaining a certification; you’re stepping into a career with confidence, backed by the right knowledge and protection.

Posted On 01/02/24