What is Skills First Funding?
Skills First Funding is a Victorian Government scheme that helps people access vocational education and training. If you are eligible, the government will contribute to the cost of your training.
Check your eligibility for government-subsidised training
If you meet the Skills First Funding eligibility criteria below, you may be eligible to receive subsidised training in one of ACFB’s Nationally Recognised courses!
Eligibility criteria for Skills First Funding
To be eligible for a government-subsidised place, you must meet various eligibility criteria below, as set out by the Department of Education and Training.
Location and citizenship
You must be physically present in Victoria for all of your studies. This includes attending training/classes that are delivered face-to-face on campus, and also being physically present in Victoria when accessing and studying course materials delivered by distance or online.:
You must also be either:
- an Australian citizen, or
- holder of a permanent visa, or
- a New Zealand citizen (visa 444); or
- be an asylum seeker or refugee with a Bridging Visa E, Temporary Protection Visa or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa.
Education history
You must not:
- be currently enrolled in secondary school. This includes students enrolled in any government, non-government, independent, catholic or home school. School-based apprentices and trainees are exempt from this criteria;
- be enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s Skills for Education and Employment program
- have started, or be due to start, more than two programs in a government subsidised place in the same calendar year; and
- be currently enrolled in two or more programs in government-subsidised places at the same time;
Please Note: this indicator is to be used as a guide only. It does not guarantee you government-subsidised training in a nationally recognised course at ACFB. ACFB will determine your eligibility by conducting a full assessment of your eligibility prior to enrolment.
Do you think you are eligible for Skills First Funding?
If you believe you meet the above criteria and choose to enrol into a Nationally Recognised course at ACFB, supporting evidence of eligibility MUST be provided either by producing original documents to be sighted and copied, or by providing original certified copies.