Enrollments & Forms
Enrollment Forms
So we can make sure our courses will be a good fit for your career and study goals, we will either call you or ask you to come in to the campus for a pre-training review prior to enrolment.
If you wish to enrol in a course, please either:
- email on [email protected] or call 1300 002 232 and we can directly send you your applicable electronic enrolment forms where you can insert your electronic signature
- Or, you can email us on [email protected] and we can directly send you an electronic copy where you can insert your electronic signature.
If you have any questions and/or would like to organise a time to come in, please contact us on 03 9873 4858 and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Academic Suitability & Core Skills Assessment
Prior to enrolling in one of ACFB’s Nationally Recognised courses, we need to ensure you are academically suited to study at your chosen course level. This means you will need to provide evidence of:
- your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education that has been awarded to you by an agency or authority of a State or Territory for your completion of year 12;
- a previously completed certificate that has been awarded to you (however described) which is at one (1) level below the course level you wish to study in or higher (in the Australian Qualifications Framework; and the course for the qualification was delivered in English).
or, if you do not hold any of the above:
- you will need to be assessed as displaying competence at or above Exit Level 1, 2 or 3 (depending on your chosen course) in the Australian Core Skills Framework in both reading and numeracy using the Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) online assessment tool; and
- ACFB must believe on reasonable grounds that you are academically suited to undertake the course.
ACFB will discuss this requirement with you and the Core Skills Profile for Adults (CSPA) online assessment will be provided to you within the pre-training review if required.
This assessment is also a requirement, with an Exit Level 3 result, for students seeking to use the VET Student Loan Scheme who are not able to produce a copy of their year 12 certificate or who have not completed a certificate IV qualification or above. For more information, please refer to the VET Student Loans page.
Skills First Funding Application Form
If you meet the Eligibility Criteria to receive Skills First Funding, which is outlined on the Skills First Funding page of this website and have spoken to an ACFB Course Consultant, we will include a Skills First Funding application form as part of the enrolment process for you to complete.
You will need to provide evidence of your eligibility which MUST be brought into ACFB for us to sight and retain a copy, or you can get a certified copy made and provide us with that original certified copy. This cannot be provided via email.
Direct Debit Application Form
If you wish to pay your courses fees with the convenience of Direct Debit, please notify our team upon enrolment and we will include a Dirst Debit form for you to complete.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) Forms
Would you like to apply for RPL or RCC?
Do you have prior qualifications and/or experience gained through years of work in skilled and challenging jobs? Gaining recognition of these skills is sometimes not easy and can hold you back in progressing your career to the next step. If this is your situation, you can unlock your full potential by having your skills recognised by ACFB!
To apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) follow the instructions below and complete all relevant forms on the applicable course pages of ACFB’s website.
Stage 1
- Download and complete the applicable course RPL/RCC Instruction form from the relevant course page. Email it to [email protected].
- Make payment of the non-refundable RPL/RCC processing fee of $100 (please note, this fee will be deducted from your course fee after enrolment).
- ACFB will then send you an RPL/RCC document for each unit of competency you have requested RPL/RCC for.
Stage 2
- Fill in the unit RPL/RCC documents sent to you, answering all short answer questions in detail related to your knowledge of the unit.
- Submit each RPL/RCC unit document, along with all evidence requested [email protected]. Hard copy documents will not be accepted.
- ACFB will review your submitted documents and may request further evidence if required (this may also include practical demonstrations and oral questioning).
- You will then receive an RPL/RCC Summary outlining the units where you have successfully gained RPL/RCC and the amended course price (if applicable). Please note this amended price will include a fee per unit for the RPL/RCC process.
- An RPL/RCC application may take between 10-21 business days to process from when we receive your completed unit forms and supporting evidence.
Procedures, Policies and Forms
- Useful links & Information
ACFB does not use any Third Party or Brokering Services for any part of our business operations or training delivery.